Category Archives: Society

Minutes of the Bilderberg Conference 2009

… will be very rare these days as they have always been. Today this years conference will end and most probably no word spoken within the Astir Palace Hotel will make its way to the public.

Although it could be quite interesting for us to know what the worlds top 120 something most influential people from first world governments and global companies discussed in their annual meeting. Strange that such an important meeting is not covered by the mass media … and in case only in a humorous (stupid?) way like for example by the Guardian that send out the ex porn reviewer Charlie Skelton to write his “Bilderberg files” or by the Times article “Shadowy Bilderberg group meet in Greece — and here’s their address“.

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Veranstaltungshinweis: Aktionstag gegen Software- und Bio-Patente

Auszug aus der Presseerklärung des FFII: “Angesichts der ausufernden Patentierungspraxis des Europäischen Patentamts (EPA) rufen Patentkritiker zu einer Demonstration gegen Bio- und Softwarepatente am 15. April in München auf. Bei der Kundgebung auf dem Marienplatz wird neben anderen Richard M. Stallman, Gründer und Präsident der Free Software Foundation (FSF) sprechen.”

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Veranstaltungshinweis: Freiheit statt Angst

Freiheit statt Angst

Aufruf zur Demo in Berlin am Samstag, den 11.Oktober ab 14.00 Uhr

Bürgerrechtlerinnen und Bürgerrechtler rufen bundesweit zur Teilnahme an einer Demonstration gegen die ausufernde Überwachung durch Wirtschaft und Staat auf. Am Samstag, den 11. Oktober 2008 werden besorgte Bürgerinnen und Bürger in Berlin unter dem Motto “Freiheit statt Angst – Stoppt den Überwachungswahn!” auf die Straße gehen. Treffpunkt ist der Alexanderplatz um 14.00 Uhr.

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Broken submarine cables – was it Nessie?


You may have noticed in the news that during the last week at least four submarine cables in the Mediterranean Sea and Persian Golf have broken or are experiencing technical problems. For example, and have reported about it. Unconfirmed sources even talk about up to 8-9 cut undersea cables.

The affected lines are vital to the Internet access of most countries in the Middle East. Due to the breakdown these countries have experienced serious disruptions in their means of communication which were still perceptible even in India. According to the available bandwidth in India was reduced by about 60% of its original capacity.

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Madames et Monsieurs … le président de Facebook! *applause*

Arash Derambarsh

All those applications at facebook are really a bit annoying. Beside steeling your time and violating your privacy they are only useful to provide some fun and keep you in contact with your friends. But what one application made possible is really exciting. Ok, it was not only the application, it was also the person of Arash Derambarsh who messed around with the French press.

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